5K Minute - Wednesday 28th October

Published 27th Oct 2015


   Every weekday morning just after 8.10am we play the 5K Minute.        **The idea is simple, you get 60 seconds to answer 10 questions. If you get all 10 correct you win £5000!**         Here are the questions from Wednesday 28th October
  1. Richard Hammond and James May were both best known for presenting which TV show?

A. Top Gear

  1. On which social media platform are you limited to posting 140 characters?

A. Twitter

  1. FIFA is the governing body of which sport?

A. Football

  1. In which film series did Robert Pattison play the character Edward Cullen?

A. Twilight

  1. In which decade was the International Space Station launched?

A. 90s

  1. Which country uses the Yen as its currency?

A. Japan

  1. Markus Persson developed which best-selling 3D Game?

A. Minecraft

  1. Which Celebrity’s perfume brand is called ‘Stunning’?

A. Katy Price

  1. Michael Jamieson won a silver medal at the last Olympics in which sport?

A. Swimming (200m Breaststroke)

  1. What day is it the day after tomorrow?

A. Friday

To enter the £5K Minute, just listen to Bowie@Breakfast.

To enter the £5K Minute, just listen to Bowie@Breakfast.