5K Minute - Wednesday 17th August

Published 16th Aug 2016
Last updated 18th Jan 2017

Every weekday morning just after 8.10am we play the 5K Minute. The idea is simple, you get 60 seconds to answer 10 questions. If you get all 10 correct you win £5000! Here are the questions from Wednesday 17th August

Who is the character Bruce Wayne’s alter ego?

A. Batman

Who became First Minister of Scotland in October 2000?

A. Henry McLeish

Who famously scored a goal for Scotland against France from 30 yards in 2007?

A. James McFadden

What is the name of Prince William’s sister in law?

A. Pippa Middleton

According to the popular myth, how many degrees of Separation are there?

A. Six

Which Caribbean island is Rihanna from?

A. Barbados

Rothesay is a town on which Scottish Island?

A. Isle of Bute

How many sides does a Pentagon have?

A. 5

What is the Richter scale used to measure the force of?

A. Earthquakes

In Darts, how many points do you start on?

A. 501

To enter the £5K Minute, just listen to Bowie@Breakfast.