5K Minute - Tuesday 8th November

Published 7th Nov 2016
Last updated 18th Jan 2017

Every weekday morning just after 8.10am we play the 5K Minute. The idea is simple, you get 60 seconds to answer 10 questions. If you get all 10 correct you win £5000! Here are the questions from Tuesday 8th November

Who became the men’s number 1 ranked singles player this week?

A. Andy Murray

Name any of the countries that make up Scandinavia.

A. Denmark / Norway / Sweden

On your body, the Navel is better known as what?

A. Belly button

H20 is the chemical formula for which liquid?

A. Water

In what year is the next Leap Year after this current one?

A. 2020

Who was married to Katy Perry between 2010 & 2012?

A. Russel Brand

What is 20% of 40?

A. 8

In what sport would you compete in the Omnium?

A. Cycling

In what year did the Glasgow Science Centre first open?

A. 2001

Which real life criminal was known as Scarface?

A. Al Capone

To enter the £5K Minute, just listen to Bowie@Breakfast.