5K Minute - Tuesday 15th September

Published 14th Sep 2015


   Every weekday morning just after 8.10am we play the 5K Minute.        **The idea is simple, you get 60 seconds to answer 10 questions. If you get all 10 correct you win £5000!**         Here are the questions from Tuesday 15th September
  1. Which actress plays the lead role of Donna in the 2008 musical ‘Mamma Mia’?

A. Meryl Streep

  1. On which Scottish Island are the Fairy Pools?

A. Isle of Skye

  1. Who was elected as leader of the Labour Party on Saturday?

A. Jeremy Corbyn

  1. Sirloin & T-Bone are both cuts of which type of meat?

A. Beef

  1. In which Century did Central Station in Glasgow open?

A. 19th Century

  1. Which sport would you most associate Ian Botham with?

A. Cricket

  1. How many States are there in the USA?

A. 50

  1. In Tech, what does LED stand for?

A. Light-emitting Diode

  1. Which tennis player won the US Open on Sunday?

A. Novak Djokovic

  1. Which George Orwell Book features the character ‘Big Brother’?

A. Nineteen Eighty Four

To enter the £5K Minute, just listen to Bowie@Breakfast.