5K Minute - Thursday 27th October

Published 26th Oct 2016
Last updated 18th Jan 2017

Every weekday morning just after 8.10am we play the 5K Minute. The idea is simple, you get 60 seconds to answer 10 questions. If you get all 10 correct you win £5000! Here are the questions from Thursday 27th October

Which airport was this week given the go-ahead for a 3rd runway?

A. Heathrow

Who won the Great British Bake Off last night?


Name either of the sides currently contesting Baseball’s World Series?

A. Chicago Cubs / Cleveland Indians

Alberta & Manitoba are both states in what country?

A. Canada

Who painted the famous painting ‘The Scream’?

A. Edvard Munch

In Fashion, what is Dior’s first name?

A. Christian

In Eastenders, what character does actor Steve McFadden play?

A. Phil Mitchel

In what Century was the Forth & Clyde Canal opened?

A. 18th (1790)

The IAAF is the governing body in what sport?

A. Athletics

On what Scottish Island would you find the town of Tobermory?

A. Isle of Mull

To enter the £5K Minute, just listen to Bowie@Breakfast.