Woman convicted of stealing cash from stillborn charity to fund holidays

Published 11th Feb 2016

A fraudster who ripped off a charity set up in memory of a stillborn child – as she enjoyed trips to a £2,000-a-month Portugese villa has been spared jail.

Karen Fraser pocketed cash raised at a glitzy ceremony for Glasgow based Sean's Trust.

The 49 year-old had organised the bash in October 2013 where a number of city councillors and police attended.

A trial heard how Fraser had a “lifestyle her income could not support” - including more than a dozen jaunts a year to her home in Portugal.

She denied the allegations insisting she was the victim of a “smear campaign” and that she had not promised money would go to the charity.

But sheriff Neil MacKinnon convicted her of fraud at Glasgow Sheriff Court and handed her a community payback order with the condition she must carry out 250 hours of unpaid work within six months. Passing sentence the sheriff told her: "In perpetrating this offence you betrayed the trust of those who were entitled to expect substantial honesty from you." Speaking outside the court after her sentence, Fraser said: "I'm glad it's over, the communities in the east end and north Glasgow will be a sorrier place through people telling lies, because the paper is now closed and there will be no more community news."

The conwoman from Falkirk – who helped run a local newspaper – hosted a community awards night at the city's Crowne Plaza hotel in October 2013.

The court heard she invited mum Linda Croker and her family to the evening.

Linda had recently set up Sean's Trust in the name of her stillborn son.

The charity was set up to help other families left heartbroken by the loss of a baby.

The trial was told envelopes were put on each table for those attending to donate cash.

Councillor Martin McElroy – who was at the ceremony – told the court: “The minimum suggested was £10, but I know a lot of people put more in.

“This was because of the relationship they had with Linda and her partner.

“She (Fraser) said all the money that was raised in the envelopes would go to Sean's Trust.”

An announcement was then made by the night's compere that funds would go to the charity.

Paula McMullen – a former employee of Fraser – also recalled the fraudster telling her “before and after the event” the funds were being donated.

It is believed around £1,200 was eventually raised – but no cash ever reached Sean's Trust.

However, Fraser claimed during the trial that any cash handed over was for a “prize raffle” and that no pledge to Sean's Trust had been made.

Giving evidence, she ranted: “Sean's Trust is not a registered charity, so why would we give money to someone who is not registered?”

Fraser also said: “It was not a Sean's Trust event – it was not going to any charity.

“The money went into the bank account. It was a company event.”

Fraser insisted it was “lies” that a promise had been made to donate money.

But, she claimed she “liked giving to charity” as it made her “feel good”.

The court went on to hear how Fraser made up to 16 jaunts a year to Portugal.

Former worker Miss McMullen recalled: “She spent a lot of time on holiday...her and her partner were there every other week.

“She stayed in a holiday home. I don't know if they owned it or rented it. I remember £2,000 a month was what she was paying.”

This was at a time where it was claimed staff did not get wages on time and that money had to be borrowed to run the awards night.

Prosecutor Elaine Jackson put to Fraser: “You were living a lifestyle that your income could not support?”

She replied: “I certainly did not take money from charities to fund my lifestyle.”

Fraser claimed the villa belonged to her partner and that Miss McMullen would have known that.

In her summing up after the evidence, Miss Jackson told the court: “The money she was earning from the business could not support the life she was leading.

“She candidly tells us that she went to Portugal 15-16 times (a year).

“This gives us an idea as to why this crime took place.”

Fraser was also accused of taking at least £265 of sponsorship cash following a charity bike ride in Glasgow in 2013.

Proceeds were said to be for the Beatson Oncology Centre and Glasgow East Women's Aid.

But, Sheriff MacKinnon found her not guilty of this fraud allegation.