Teenager reported for calling 999 to complain after being chucked out of Glasgow licenced premises

A teenager’s going to be reported to the fiscal after calling 999 to complain about being thrown out of a licenced premises in Glasgow.

Published 20th May 2016

A teenager’s going to be reported to the fiscal after calling 999 to complain about being thrown out of a licenced premises in Glasgow.

The city’s police tweeted about the incident at 4am this morning after when the man dialed the emergency number to tell them he’d been chucked out of a West Regent Street bar.

He kept the operator talking for 12 minutes meaning they weren’t available to take real emergency calls.

The teen will be reported for wasting the service’s time - a crime that could carry a fine or up to 6 months in prison.

In December, Scottish Conservative figures revealed ambulance crews attended on more than 500 occasions before realising the call was a hoax in 2015.

The party called at that time for tougher action on those guilty of prank calls.