Stonehouse woman banned from keeping dogs for 15 years

A 54 year-old Stonehouse woman has been banned from keeping dogs for 15 years after failing to provide adequate care and treatment and a good living environment for the animals in her care.

Published 11th Aug 2016

A 54 year-old Stonehouse woman has been banned from keeping dogs for 15 years after failing to provide adequate care and treatment and a good living environment for the animals in her care.

Morag Jackson, a licensed commercial dog breeder and seller, was found guilty of four offences under the Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006 between July and September of last year in Stonehouse.

As well as banned from keeping dogs Jackson was also given a Community Payback Order which requires her to carry out 200 hours of unpaid work. She was forced to forfeit the dogs that had been in her care.

Hamilton Sheriff Court court heard that Inspectors from the Scottish SPCA went to her address on the August 19, 2015 following a call to the Scottish SPCA Animal Helpline regarding concerns for the conditions of the puppies that were being kept at the address.

Following further enquiries a warrant was sought and granted and the premises were search on 17 September 2015 byScottish SPCA Inspectors along withveterinary surgeon and two police constables.

A number of dogs were found to be housed in pens between two wooden sheds and a garage. The conditions were cramped, dirty and unhygienic. There was little bedding and a a lack of food and water,Water that was present appeared discoloured and littered with debris.

The only food which the Scottish SPCA saw during their search was a mouldy tub of food teeming with maggots which had been left out for a Yorkshire Terrier and her newborn pups.

During a search of the garage area, a West Highland Terrier type bitch named Abbey was found in asmall pink carrier on a shelf. The carrier was covered with cloth, the carrier had no bedding, food or water and was too small for the dog to even turn around . There was very little light entering the box due to the cloth and rubbish surrounding it. Abbey was underweight with a severe skin disease and almost total hair loss.

A total of 36 dogs were removed from the premises and are within care at Scottish SPCA centres across the country. Most have made a full recovery however a number are still receiving, and will continue to require, ongoing treatment. Gary Aitken, Procurator Fiscal, Wildlife and Environment said:

“I welcome today’s sentence and the granting of the order preventing Morag Jackson from keeping dogs.”

“This was one of the worst cases of gross, widespread and indiscriminate neglect which the Crown has dealt with in recent times.

“These dogs were caused terrible and unnecessary suffering and Jackson failed to provide them with a suitable environment.

“We expect the highest standards of commercial dog breeders and are committed to working with the Scottish SPCA and the police to ensure that those who do not meet these standards are held to account.”