Police Reopen Unsolved Murder Of Emma Caldwell

Published 24th May 2015

Police are to reinvestigate the murder of a woman whose body was found in woods in South Lanarkshire a decade ago.

Emma Caldwell, 27, was last seen in April 2005 after leaving a hostel in Glasgow.

A month later her body was found near Roberton in South Lanarkshire. She had been working as a prostitute in Glasgow to fund her drug habit.

The Lord Advocate has asked Police Scotland to reinvestigate the case after it was considered by the most senior officers in the Crown Office.

A Crown Office spokesman said: "The Lord Advocate has instructed Police Scotland to carry out a reinvestigation into the murder of Emma Caldwell.

"The family have been informed of the decision in this case.

"The decision to reinvestigate followed careful consideration of the case by Crown Counsel - the most senior lawyers in Crown Office.

"Unresolved homicides are never closed. The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service maintains a database of all cold case homicides and cases to which the Double Jeopardy (Scotland) Act may apply.

"The Cold Case Unit works closely with Police Scotland review these cases to ascertain if there are any new evidential developments, including advances in forensic techniques, which would assist in providing a basis for criminal proceedings."