Man Jailed for Attempted Rape of Teen 35 Years Ago

Published 20th Mar 2015

A dad-of-two who was convicted of attempting to rape a 13-year-old 35 years ago has been jailed for 30 months. Thomas Byrne, now 61, committed the offence at a house in Airdrie between April 19, 1979 and April 18, 1980 when he was aged 26. The High Court in Glasgow heard that after a party Byrne took off his clothes and got into bed with two 13-year-old girls and attempted to rape one of them. Sentencing Byrne, Judge John Beckett QC told him: "There was no violence involved and the complainer was able to get away from you. However, you got into bed with two girls and attempted to rape one of them. "You were not a child when you sexually assaulted her. That you seem to have been affected by alcohol is not an excuse. It is necessary to protect children." Defence QC Brian McConnachie said: "Mr Byrne continues to deny any involvement in this offence." Mr McConnachie told the court that Byrne was a well-respected member of the community and a charity fundraiser and handed over a number of testimonials from friends and colleagues. Byrne was placed on the sex offenders' register.