LISTEN: Turning Cancer From 'Big C' To 'Wee c'

Fourteen of Scotland's leading cancer charities have joined forces to try and turn the Big C into a wee c after research shows fear is still a key barrier to people presenting with potential signs, symptoms and attending screenings.

Published 12th Aug 2015

Rallying cry issued as new cancer survival statistics revealed.

Listen to our report by Shiona McCallum here:

More people in Scotland are surviving cancer than ever before - around 15,800 men and women diagnosed with cancer this year will survive compared to 9,500 that would have survived 30 years ago - enough to fill Glasgow’s Armadillo five times over.

The figures were revealed at the launch of the wee c – a new initiative which aims to change the way cancer is viewed in Scotland, in a bid to reduce fear around the disease and boost survival rates.

Today, the Scottish Government in partnership with Cancer Research UK, joined forces with 14 of Scotland’s leading cancer charities to issue a rallying cry for people across Scotland – together we can turn the Big C into the wee c.