Four men in court after violence at Scottish Cup final

one man's admitted a breach of the peace and three others who appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court denied a number of charges

Published 17th Jun 2016

A football fan has admitted breaching the peace by running on to the match during the Scottish Cup final last month between Rangers and Hibs.

31 year old John Galbraith pled guilty when he appeared from custody at Glasgow Sheriff Court.

He admitted conducting himself in a disorderly manner during the football match, running on to the field of play, and breaching the peace on May 21 at Hampden Park.

Galbraith, from Dumbarton, also admitted assaulting two opposition supporters by punching and kicking one and punching another.

He also pled guilty to a third assault on a security guard by seizing hold of him.

Sheriff Walter Mercer did not hear any narrative and deferred sentence until next month.

He granted bail with the special condition Galbraith does not attend any UK football game.

Three other men denied various charges when they appeared from custody at the same court.

Gary Bain, 40, from Pollok, Glasgow is accused of running on to the field after the final whistle towards an opposition fan, raising his fist and behaving in an aggressive manner towards him.

Mark Hendry, 42, from Shettleston, Glasgow is alleged to have entered the field, seized a corner flag pole and repeatedly swung the flag and hit opposition fans with it.

Steven Morrison, 21, from Swinton, Glasgow, is accused of climbing a barrier and running on to the pitch, shouting, gesticulating at opposition supporters, singing sectarian songs and fighting with rival fans.

Each of the men were granted bail with the conditions they did go to any UK match and trials were set for January next year.