Drink driver admits killing mum in Glasgow as she returned from son's wedding

A drink driver has admitted killing a mum in Glasgow as she returned from her son's wedding.

Published 23rd Sep 2016

A drink driver has admitted killing a mum in Glasgow as she returned from her son's wedding.

Steven Bennie ploughed into a taxi that tragic Mary Laurie had just stepped into.

Bennie had been chased by police in Glasgow's east-end after trying to speed away from them because he did not have a licence.

The 57 year-old mum never recovered from her injuries after being thrown out a window.

Bennie is now behind bars after he today admitted at the High Court in Glasgow to causing Mrs Laurie's death by dangerous driving.

The 21 year-old first offender will learn his fate when he returns to the dock next month.

Mrs Laurie's family and friends today packed the courtroom. Many sobbed as the sad details of her death were revealed.

Tragedy struck after the mum and her husband James Laurie had seen her son Martin Colquhoun tie the knot at a hotel in Cumnock, Ayrshire last November 28.

As the couple celebrated, unemployed Bennie meantime turned up at a friend's house that night in a Vauxhall Astra.

He lied he had passed his driving test – he only held a provisional licence.

Prosecutor Tim Niven Smith said “at some point” he downed alcohol.

But, he later drove to a McDonalds restaurant before eating food with a friend at an industrial estate in the city's Baillieston.

It was there that suspicious police – given it was 1.30am – stopped to investigate Bennie's car.

When Bennie clocked officers approach, he panicked and told the friend: “F***, I've not got a licence.”

Bennie immediately started the car and drove off.

Police quickly gave chase with Bennie described as “driving much faster”.

He was ordered to pull over as police activated the blue lights and sounded the sirens.

Bennie appeared to slow down – but then sped off as the chase continued through the east end.

The court was told he drove “well in excess” of the speed limit with his passenger reckoning he was going at 80mph.

On hearing this, one of Mrs Laurie's family in court said: “She didn't stand a chance.”

Prosecutor Mr Niven Smith said Bennie's friend “repeatedly asked” to be let out, but he “ignored her requests.”

Prosecutor Mr Niven-Smith told the court: "Mary had with her a bouquet of flowers that she had been given at her son's wedding."

Bennie went on to speed through a red light and had to dodge other cars.

The fatal crash occurred at a junction between Edinburgh Road and Springboig Road in the city's east end.

Fatefully, Mr and Mrs Laurie got in a cab shortly before Bennie approached the scene.

They had just been dropped off in a minibus from the wedding before getting a taxi to take them to their home in the city's Easterhouse.

The couple were not wearing seatbelts with Mr Laurie initially standing up trying to place his wife's flowers on a seat.

She had been given a treasured bouquet from the wedding.

Mr Niven Smith then explained: “Just as the taxi turned into Edinburgh Road, Bennie's vehicle came across the junction through the red light and collided with the taxi.”

The cab spun and smashed into a pole. Mrs Laurie was hurled through a window.

Police immediately raced out to help as Bennie was stopped in his car.

Mrs Laurie was initially conscious, but, minutes later, officers could not detect a pulse.

She was rushed to hospital, but never recovered.

Mrs Laurie was found to have suffered fatal head and chest injuries as a result of the crash.

Her husband and the taxi driver had to be rescued by fire officers after being trapped in the cab.

Bennie's friend also had to be freed from his car.

Mr Laurie was treated at hospital for seven rib fractures as well as an injury to his liver.

He was later released, but had to return due to further complications. However, he was fortunately allowed to leave again the next day.

Bennie was meantime quizzed by police and “became extremely upset” when told how serious the crash was.

Tests revealed he had 71mg of alcohol in 100ml of blood at the time of the incident. The legal limit is 50mg of alcohol.

Bennie, of the city's Shettleston, also pled guilty today/yesterday to drink driving and having no insurance.

His lawyer John McElroy told the hearing: “For what its worth, he bitterly regrets his actions and wishes to apologises.

“He recognises the devastating effect of his actions on the night in question.”

Judge Lord Boyd deferred sentencing for reports until next month.