Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's a shoe!

A distressed bird that the Scottish SPCA responded to turns out to be a shoe.

Published 11th Jul 2016

The Scottish SPCA responded to a report of a bird being stuck on a roof for a few days, only to find it was a shoe.

Scotland’s animal welfare charity received a call to its helpline on Wednesday stating that a bird had been stuck on the roof of Carntyne Primary School in Glasgow for three days.

Animal rescue officer Amy Robb said, “The caller thought that a bird had been falling down the roof over the space of a few days and was worried it might fall off the edge.

“I went to check on it and was surprised to find a black shoe instead!

“I called the lady to let her know she had been mistaken and she was very apologetic and was relieved to hear that it wasn't a bird in distress.

“This job can be very tough as we deal with severely injured animals on a daily basis, so it’s quite nice when something like this makes us smile.”

This isn’t the first time the Scottish SPCA has experienced a case of mistaken identity.

Amy said, “Last year one of my colleagues responded to a report of donkey neglect but when he arrived he discovered the tied up donkey was in fact a plastic garden ornament.

“Although incidents like these were false alarms, it’s always better to be safe than sorry and we’d encourage anyone with concerns about an animal to call our helpline on 03000 999 999.”