Bin Lorry Driver Will 'Cooperate' at Crash FAI

bin lorry crash
Published 18th Jun 2015

The driver of the bin lorry that ploughed into Christmas shoppers and claimed the lives of six people will answer questions if called as a witness at a fatal accident, a court has heard.

The lawyer representing Harry Clarke at a forthcoming FAI said he would "cooperate" and confirmed if called, he would answer all questions put to him.

It was also heard at the preliminary hearing at Glasgow Sheriff Court that Mr Clarke has never been interviewed by police.

An FAI into the deaths of Jack Sweeney, 68, his wife Lorraine, 69 and their 18-year-old granddaughter Erin McQuade, Gillian Ewing, 52, Jacqueline Morton, 51, and Stephanie Tait, 29 who were tragically killed on December 22 will take place next month.

Sheriff John Beckett QC, who is now presiding over the hearing, refused a motion by Mark Stewart QC to adjourn the inquiry.

Mr Stewart, who represents the Sweeney and McQuade family made the motion saying: "Further preparation is necessary".

He said there was "a vast amount of factual data and complex technical data" as well as problems for the family he represents finding childcare over the summer holidays.

Dorothy Bain QC, for Miss Morton's family, said there is "quite a substantial amount of material" to go through to prepare for the inquiry.

She said there was an incident involving Mr Clarke, 58, in 2010 and that she wanted to "precognosce ambulance crew who attended Mr Clarke at that time".

Miss Bain added: "In relation to the driver of the bin lorry, I have indicated I am keen to understand his status, he is on the list of witnesses, he has provided precognition."

The court was told: "There was no police interview with Mr Clarke, he wasn't interviewed under caution."

Paul Reid, representing Mr Clarke said given his client is not to be prosecuted he will "cooperate fully".

Sheriff Beckett asked the lawyer: "If you're correct about that, you are saying your client will cooperate, by that do you mean he will choose to answer all questions put to him if he is called as a witness in the inquiry?"

Mr Reid answered: "Yes."

Solicitor General Lesley Thomson, representing the Crown at the inquiry confirmed it was made public on February 25 this year that "Crown Counsel have concluded that the driver of the lorry should not be prosecuted".

All of the families of those killed, as well as Glasgow City Council, DVLA and the passengers of the bin lorry were represented at the hearing yesterday.

Sheriff Beckett continued the hearing until the inquiry next month.