Battlefield Primary School carry Paralympic torch

Pupils, parents and staff all gathered on school grounds as part of a full day of celebrations.

Published 16th Jun 2016

In the run up to the Rio Olympics and Paralympic games this summer, the youngsters joined 100 other primaries in a nationwide tour to raise awareness and drum up support.

10 lucky volunteers were nominated and hand picked as torchbearers, taking the flame along a predetermined route around the playground.

Students across the school have also been learning about the games and participating in workshops, exercises and presentations to educate and inspire them in the run up to Rio 2016.

Principle teacher Catrina Brown said: "Within the classroom, we've been looking at the values and trying out different things. We got blindfolds when we've been playing different games and we have balls with bells in them. So we've been playing these games so the children can empathise and be inspired by athletes taking part in the Paralympics."

She added: "It's been fantastic! Everybody was great and held the torch up high.The whole school turned out as well as lots of parents and friends. We went right up the playground and we weren't even bothered about the drizzle of the rain."

EAL teacher, Lynsey Langford, was just as excited to pass on the flame. She said: "It's been incredible, I've just held the Paralympic torch and have run round the playground with 9 other people!

What a privilege, they're only going to 100 schools across the UK so what a thing to be a part of. I felt excited and nervous and it was just thrilling to see all the kids and all their banners and smiling faces. It was such a high!".