Harry Styles shows support for cancer stricken four-year-old girl

Doctors can't do anything more for the girl

Published 3rd Nov 2016

One Direction singer Harry Styles has offered his support for a young girl with terminal cancer after a heartbreaking photo posted by her dad went viral.

Four-year-old Jessica Whelan suffers from Neuroblastoma, a cancerous tumour composed of neuroblasts, and her family have sparked a mass pouring of support for the young girl after sharing one touching picture.

Jessica’s dad Andy uploaded a heartbreaking image of his daughter in pain undergoing treatment and captioned it with, ‘The true face of cancer’.

Jessica Whelan | © A Fight Against Neuroblastoma Facebook

After the image went viral, One Direction star Harry Styles got in touch with the family offering to help try and lift Jessica’s spirits. After the phone call, Andy posted a message to the ‘A fight against Neuroblastoma’ Facebook page sharing details of his ‘surreal call’.

It read, ‘Well that was a surreal telephone call... An unknown number I answered for it to only be HARRY STYLES ringing from USA!!! He wants to do a FaceTime or video recording for Jessica! The way she is at the moment I have told him that she would benefit more from a recording which he has said he will do for her and email to us!’

The message has since been shared nearly 500 times, with support for Jessica increasing by the minute.

The four-year-old has been fighting stage four Neuroblastoma for the last 13 months with her mum and dad having to make the devastating decision to stop their daughter’s treatment after doctors advised they couldn’t do anything more.

Jessica Whelan | © A Fight Against Neuroblastoma Facebook

Upon hearing the news they were going to lose their daughter, Andy and Nicki launched a GoFundMe page to create ‘as many happy memories as possible’ with their daughter.

The page has already raised nearly £54,000 of a £20,000 goal in just 26 days!

You can donate to the page here.

It’s being reported that Harry Styles is in the process of recording a message to send to Jessica and her family. What a lovely touch by the singer.