26 memories from primary school you will never forget
These are brillaint

It may be a long time ago but some memories never disappear! We bet you can relate to most of these from your primary school days.
1. Sitting on benches in year 6 during assembly when everyone else has to sit on the cold floor.
2. Being the chosen one who delivered the paper register to the secretary every morning.
3. Doing PE in your pants, vest and plimsolls.
4. Feeling famous on the last day when the whole school signed your polo shirt.
5. Being cast as the worst character in The Nativity Play.
6. Glowing like a tomato when you accidentally called the teacher ‘mum’.
7. Spending your whole I.C.T Lesson choosing which clip art font to use.
8. Hearing the ‘don’t swing on your chair’ death story at least twice per day.
9. Finally being allowed to use real pens when you reached year 3.
10. Dying with excitement when you spotted the teacher wheeling in the TV.
11. Using the PVA glue to cover your hands and then peeling it off.
12. Being allowed in the staff room to help your teacher with something and feeling like God.
13. Engraving your initials onto every piece of equipment you owned.
14. Getting wrong off your parents when you returned home with the wrong jumper.
15. Pretending to sing in assembly when really you just mimed every word.
16. Everyone wearing their best glitter tights to the Christmas party.
17. Secretly adding more house points to your group.
18. Waiting patiently in the dinner queue, praying turkey twizlers and chips were on the menu.
19. Having a group chat at the bin with your mates whilst you sharpened your pencils.
20. Getting sent to the head teacher for an excellent piece of work and feeling totally amazing.
21. Feeling apart of Biff, Chip and Kipper’s life after reading every single book.
22. The chuff on your face when the milk cartons got delivered.
23. Being allowed 30 seconds ‘play time’ at the end of swimming lessons.
24. Whipping out your set of glitter gel pens in Art.
25. The one person who always forgot when it was non-uniform day.
26. Teachers believing any injury could be solved with a wet paper towel.
Sound familiar?