Who is AronChupa?!

Meet man behind the insanely catchy 'I'm An Albatroaz'

Published 13th Apr 2015

You might not have heard the name AronChupa yet but chances are if you’ve been listening to the radio in recent weeks his infectious EDM anthem ‘I’m An Albatroaz’ is already bouncing around your head!

The 24-year-old Swedish professional footballer(!!!), real name Aron Ekberg, has concocted audio dynamite with a track that’s naughty, in your face and boasts the vocal talents of his younger sister Nora.

Already a huge smash across Europe, the video has amassed an impressive 130million views and shows no sign of slowing down.

To celebrate the release of ‘I’m An Albatroaz’ in the UK next week (19th April), Aron agreed to answer some quick-fire questions so we can find out exactly who he is:

Hello Aron. Can you tell us how you first got involved in music? Aron: “I started off playing the guitar/piano at an early age. I started recording it when I was bout 15 years old, and then the music production part came naturally!”

Where did the ‘Chupa’ part of your name from? Aron: “Haha, I got it from a friend! He always called me that…”

What’s your single ‘I’m an Albatraoz’ all about? Aron: “It’s about a bird, a bird that flies higher than every other bird!”

Musically it’s highly eclectic fusing jazz, EDM and swing. Is this reflective of the rest of your musical output? Aron: “Hmm, I wouldn’t say everything…I’m inspired by a lot but that’s where I got my roots.”

Since the song first took off in Sweden, what is the craziest thing that has happened to you? Aron: “Playing at Ultra music festival main stage was pretty cool!”

Apparently you’ve heard the song over 100,000 times. Are you not fed up of it yet?! Aron: “I am, but I’m not fed up of a crowd going crazy when they hear it…and I probably never will be.”

Was your younger sister Nora always first choice to sing the vocals? Aron: “Yes she was, we’ve always been working together so it came naturally.”

If you could make music with one artist – dead or alive – who would it be? Aron: “Chuck Berry!!!”

You’ve described performing at Ultra Music Festival in Miami as your dream come true. What else do you want to achieve in your career? Aron: “Be the first one to have a concert in space.”

You started your career playing football. Would you rather headline Glastonbury or score in the World Cup Final for Sweden?! Aron: “Score in the Wold Cup Final for Sweden, that’s how I’ll finish my soccer career!”