Warnings to parents over kids' exam stress

As our Problem Shared campaign continues to call for a mental health counselor in every school...this morning there are more warnings over exam stress.

Author: Ellie KumarPublished 25th May 2018

As our Problem Shared campaign continues to call for a mental health counselor in every school...this morning there are more warnings over exam stress.

The NSPCC say they've had thousands of children getting in touch as they struggle to cope with them.

Figures show Childline ran more than 3-thousand 100 counselling sessions on stress caused by the tests, between April 2017 and the end of last March.

More than a fifth of them were held in May and half were with young people aged 12 to 15.

We launched #ProblemShared after 15 year old Morley schoolboy Daniel Long took his own life through stress.

Daniel died at the end of February 2017 whilst studying for his mock GCSEs.

His mum Emma Oliver says he became obsessed with revising, despite getting As and A*s at school. He eventually cracked under the pressure and took his own life in his bedroom.

Despite giving Daniel CPR, Emma couldn’t save her son and he passed away three days later. An inquest concluded he was suffering with acute anxiety.