Research names Middleton in Leeds 'left behind area'

Councillors say the area's being unfairly labelled

Author: Ben BasonPublished 5th Sep 2019
Last updated 5th Sep 2019

There are calls for more investment, community spaces and opportunities for Middleton in Leeds - to boost the chances of people there.

It's been named as one of a number of "left behind" areas in UK cities where experts say poor infastructure's leading to high levels of child poverty, unemployment and ill health.

The report from The Local Trust has identified a list of places, including the Middleton Park ward, which have a lack of places to meet, an absence of an engaged and active community and poor connectivity to the wider economy.

Matt Leach, chief executive, of Local Trust said:

"The areas we have identified as left behind are often on the edges of cities and towns yet disconnected from jobs and services.

"They have lost the pubs, community centres and other facilities that people need to sustain their neighbourhoods. Worryingly, they appear to be falling further behind the rest of the country on many key economic and social indicators. We need to work with government to ensure the people in them have the support they need to build stronger communities and better places to live.”

But local councillors in Middleton have hit back at the reseach, saying it unfairly labels the area.

Councillor Kim Groves represents Middleton Park - she says there's a lot going for it:

"Middleton has got a real strength of community and belonging. The research talked about different assets - places like sports centres, green spaces - we've got two leisure centres and we've also got a green park that's ancient woodland.

"Sometimes these reports can label communities. I think that is unfair. it talks about education - one of our schools has just come in the top ten in Leeds. We've got a lot going on in our ward - we've got football, rugby. We've got all of those things that add social capital. I think people have become socially mobile and they're quite proud of that."