Leeds sets out plans to tackle period poverty in schools

A pilot scheme will be launched in a bid to try and combat the problem.

Author: Tom DambachPublished 13th Sep 2018

Leeds City Council says it's the first in England to announce measures that aim to combat period poverty within its schools.

It's wanting to take action to stop girls in Leeds having to miss school because of her period or go without her lunch because she spent her money on sanitary protection.

1 in 7 girls have struggled to afford sanitary wear, according to the group Plan International.

Councillor Jonathan Pryor, executive member for learning, skills and employment, has announced that Leeds City Council will be conducting a pilot study with Carr Manor Community School to work with the school and its pupils to discuss the prevalence of period poverty and to explore the best ways to mitigate it.

They're also entering into partnership with the University of Leeds and The Children’s Society, to work with children, young people, schools and settings in conducting research to investigate the impact of poverty on attendance.

The pilot scheme and the findings from the research will be used to generate ideas to tackling period poverty in Leeds that are informed by young peoples’ perspectives on sustainable, long term solutions that both reduce the stigma around period poverty and to ensure that all young people can access sanitary protection when they need it.

Additionally, the council will also be looking into provision in libraries and community hubs to help tackle period poverty for women of any age.

'Damning indictment of our society'

Councillor Jonathan Pryor, Leeds City Council’s executive member for learning, skills and employment said:

“It is a damming indictment of our society if girls are left in the position of not being able to afford sanitary protection, leading to them missing school or even meals.

“Child poverty is rising and we have a duty to mitigate its impact as much as possible, I would like to thank Carr Manor Community School, the University of Leeds and The Children’s Society for agreeing to work with us as we try and find a solution to what, quite frankly, should not be a problem in this city."