GP surgeries in Leeds to carry posters to help parents worried about radicalisation

Posters in English, Arabic, Urdu, Bengali, and Somali will appear in GP surgeries across Leeds to raise awareness of an NSPCC helpline for parents worried about terrorism and radicalisation.

Published 30th Aug 2016

Posters in Arabic, Urdu, Bengali, and Somali will appear in GP surgeries across Leeds to raise awareness of an NSPCC helpline for parents worried about terrorism and radicalisation.

The charity’s posters, which will also be written in English, will appear in 58 waiting rooms across the city to let people know about the service which was set up after a spate of terrorist attacks and the growing problem of extremists targeting children.

The NSPCC started receiving calls from adults worried about the problem, which prompted the children’s charity to offer advice and help.

Previously adults could raise their worries about radicalisation and terrorism through Government agencies, including MI5 and anti-terror hotlines, and law enforcement agencies.

The NSPCC say the service will provide a national point of support to parents concerned their children are being radicalised, or who need advice on how to talk to them about wider concerns related to the impact of terrorism.

Counsellors have been trained to spot the warning signs of radicalisation so they can advise adults who are worried about a child being groomed.

Part of the training, which detailed how recruiters befriend vulnerable targets, feed them ideologies and – in the worst case scenario – persuade them to commit terrorist attacks, was provided by Home Office experts.

Adults calling the helpline will be advised about the signs which may hint at a child being radicalised. These include:

  • Isolating themselves from family and friends - Talking as if from a scripted speech - Increased levels of anger - Becoming disrespectful and asking inappropriate questions

An NSPCC spokesman said: “We have seen a wave of terrorist attacks in recent weeks and months and both parents and children tell us how frightened they are by what is happening.

“So it is vital that we are here for parents when they need our support and are able to provide them with non-judgemental advice on issues ranging from the wider terrorist threat to the dangers of radicalisation.

“We have circulated posters around the country to try and reach as many parents as possible, and make the line as accessible as possible.

“Of course, the fact that a young person might hold extreme or radical views is not a safeguarding issue in itself.

“But when young people are groomed for extremist purposes and encouraged to commit acts that could hurt themselves or others, then it becomes abuse.

“That’s why we’ve trained our counsellors to cope with this fresh danger to young people.”