Garforth Flood Residents Want More Help

Published 10th Feb 2015

Residents in Garforth say not enough's been done to stop their homes flooding again. Many were inundated last summer when flash flooding overwhelmed the drainage locally. David Richardson's home was badly hit then for the THIRD time and he says the bills are adding up, "The first time we flooded out we had to level the back garden, that cost ÂŁ5,000 "The second time we flooded out we got a grant for the flood defences. "This time it's cost us about another ÂŁ18,000 to put in additional measures so if we do get flooded, we can cope with it." And David, who cares for his disabled wife says the repeated rising water has really taken its toll on his own health, "Two weeks after I had a heart attack, I thought it was just a wheezy chest, that's all. "But they said it was probably brought on by the stress of everything." It comes as Labour accuse the Prime Minister of reneging on a promise to help fund flood victims.