7 ways you can share your love if you're apart on Mother's Day
It's the thought that counts!
Mother's Day falls on Sunday 30th March this year, but with work commitments, holidays or even living in a different country from your mum, it's sometimes hard to spend the special day with her.
For anyone who may be apart from their loved ones this year, here are some free ways you can share your appreciation for your mum/mother-figure this Mother's Day.
1. Record a video reminiscing about your childhood
Use a phone/laptop to record a message to your loved one with your favourite memories of growing up and why you're grateful for their presence in your life.
2. Sit down for a video chat
Whether it's a quick chat, long conversation, or you even sit down and eat a meal together (remotely), who says face-to-face has to take place in the same room?
3. Write a letter
Who says actions speak louder than words? Write a letter explaining why you love them and then it will make a lovely keep-sake in future.
4. Play the same game
If you've got a pack of cards then you can play games such as Rummy, snap (put the camera over the cards). If you've both got the same board game then you could set that up the same and play together. There's no guarantee there won't still be a falling out though! Alternatively go to the app store and see what two player/multi-player options are available.
5. Recommend a podcast you think they'll love
There are so many podcasts out there so here's a list of podcasts to get you started.
6. Create an IOU or voucher booklet
Whether it's something simple like helping them tidy up or a nice day out to have in future, whatever the idea is, let them know there's no expiry date on the nice things you plan to do for them.
7. Bake together
Either both baking the same thing or talking each other through your favourite sweet or savoury recipes is a great way to share knowledge, skill and get something tasty to eat afterwards!