10 problems you'll only understand if you HATE tea

It's a daily struggle...

Author: Laura ThorntonPublished 21st Apr 2020
Last updated 24th Apr 2020

Ah tea, Britain's best loved beverage, or so it's meant to be. However, there are some of us out there who just don't like it, some choose to stand up and speak out for what they believe in...

The rest of us simply hide behind, "I'm not thirsty thanks," wanting to avoid the strange looks. 👀

Here are 10 things non tea drinkers face daily:

1. The complication

For those of us brave enough to venture into the kitchen to make a drink for friends and family there's the first stage, kettle on (we're feeling good at this point), OK water, milk, tea bag. There's no particular order right? WRONG. Why can't everywhere have tea machines?!

2. The rejection

After trying to make a cup of tea for friends/workmates, we thrust our finished tea out proudly, only to be met with "eugh I'll do it myself." Mission failure.

3. The exclusion

"Anyone want a drink?" - Yes please - "NOT YOU NON TEA DRINKER."

4. The lack of understanding of the correct colour

There are no measurements for tea, there are no guidelines to follow, we're meant to just look at the cup and know.

5. The anger

Imagine the scenario,
"How can you not like tea? It's incredible, it's warm and it's tasty, it's tea! DRINK THE TEA!"
"I'm sorry I've upset you, please step away from the hot tea..."

6. Biscuit loneliness

We will never get the joy of dipping a digestive in a cup of tea and watching it soften.

7. The feeling of being useless

Tea drinker: "I'd love a drink, can you make us a cuppa?"

Non tea drinker: "I literally don't understand the process."

8. The denial

"Well if you keep drinking it you will eventually like it, why don't you give it a go?"
No, I don't want to become dependent on tea, we just aren't meant to be.

9. The confusion

"What do you mean you don't drink tea? Like any tea? What about herbal tea? Thai tea? Green tea?"
"No, I don't drink tea!"

10. The upset

"But tea is...sob...the thing that...sob...brings us all together. If you don't drink tea you'll end up alone."
Yes, it's true non-tea drinkers have to seek each other out.

So to all you tea drinkers out there, spare a thought for us non tea drinkers, maybe pour us out some milk and we can all be friends again?

If you actually love tea, then here are 10 reasons we can't go a day without a cup of tea.

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