NI marks one million first vaccine doses

Another milestone day for Covid-19 vaccination programme

Published 18th May 2021
Last updated 18th May 2021

Over a million people in Northern Ireland have now received their first Covid-19 vaccine dose.

It comes just five months after the very first Coronavirus jab was administered here and means almost 70% of the adult population has now received their first dose.

Joanna Sloan, Emergency Department Sister, and the first person to receive the first vaccine here welcomed the news.

Joanna said “I am delighted and so proud of my colleagues across the HSC who have now delivered 1 million first doses of Covid-19 vaccines.”

“It was an honour and a privilege to be the first person to receive the vaccine here on 8 December and reaching this milestone felt so far away at that time. We have only achieved this with the dedication of our peer vaccinators and the teams behind them managing the program.”

“Thank you to every member of the public who has come forward to get their vaccine. It is so important each and every person does so to protect themselves and those around them – and that they get their second doses for longer and stronger protection.”

In spite of the rapid delivery of the Covid-19 vaccination program, Joanna has called for caution and patience.

She said, “Bit by bit we are returning to a new kind of normal and whilst that is so welcome, it is vital you remain cautious and maintain social distancing, wash your hands and, if you develop symptoms, isolate and get tested. Covid-19 is not over yet but we are heading in the right direction."

Head of the vaccination programme Patricia Donnelly also praised the landmark.

Patricia said: “We are determined to maintain momentum and will keep vaccinating people as quickly as supplies allow.

“As we have stated, supplies are limited at present, but we expect that to improve in June. I would once again ask people waiting their turn to be patient. Keep checking the online booking portal as new appointment slots are being opened up on a regular basis.”

'Hugely significant milestone'

The First and Deputy First Ministers have said the 'huge logistical effort' is a momentous achievement.

First Minister Arlene Foster said: “Today is a hugely significant milestone in our fightback against Covid. The vaccination is not only a life-saver; it is key to unlocking more freedoms, opening up our economy, and allowing us to do the things we have missed so dearly.

“Over the last year, our society has faced a challenge unlike any other, and these have been the most difficult of times for everyone. I am so proud of how far we have come, together. Today, in marking one million people vaccinated, we can all look forward to a better future.

“Administering these vaccines involves a huge logistical effort, and I want to once again thank all those involved in the programme.”

Deputy First Minister Michelle O’Neill said: “This is an incredible day as we pass the landmark of one million people vaccinated across the north. It is remarkable to reflect on how far we’ve come in just over five months since our vaccination programme began.

“The vaccine is vital in our defence against Covid-19 and I have no doubt that it has already saved many lives. It also paves the way to brighter days for all. Today we can all take heart from this phenomenal success story and look forward to rebuilding our society for the good of everyone.

“I offer my thanks to all those who have come forward to take up the vaccine, and encourage others to do the same. And I commend all those across health and social care who have played in a part in getting us to this point.”

People aged 40 or over can book their AstraZeneca first doses at the Vaccination Centre at the SSE Arena and at more than 300 participating pharmacies across Northern Ireland.

People aged 30-39 can book their Pfizer first dose at Trust vaccination centres across Northern Ireland. These are: Foyle Arena/ Omagh Leisure Centre/ Lakeland Forum/ South Lake Craigavon/ Seven Towers Ballymena/ RVH in Belfast.

Anyone of any age who has received an AstraZeneca first dose should proceed with their second dose of AstraZeneca. That’s unless they have had clinical advice not to do so. Second doses provide longer and stronger protection against the virus.

The age categorisation for AstraZeneca first doses recommended by the JCVI (Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation) does not apply to second doses. The JCVI has stressed that the second dose is important for longer lasting protection against COVID-19.

People aged under 40 will still be able to make an informed choice to receive the AstraZeneca vaccine.

If possible, booking should be done online

However, where online booking is not possible, the telephone booking number is 0300 200 7813