CMO: NI 'on the cusp' of better days

Dr Michael McBride urges caution ahead of potential relaxations

Author: Tara MclaughlinPublished 14th Apr 2021

The Chief Medical Officer says 'we are on the verge of brighter times.'

Dr Michael McBride was speaking at the weekly Stormont health briefing on Wednesday, ahead of a review of restrictions on Thursday.

Ministers are considering a potential timeline for relaxations and an announcement is expected later today (Thursday).

But while Dr McBride was positive about the current Covid-19 situation in Northern Ireland, he is urging the public not to get carried away.

He said: "I believe we're on the cusp of better, of happier times and vaccination is central to getting us there.

"What is also central to getting us there and keeping us there is for you all to follow the advice, keep yourself, your family, those that matter to you and the rest of us safe."

Dr McBride added: "As we move steadily towards greater freedoms let us all remain determined to use them wisely."